Anthony was raised a Catholic but after selling his New York City grocery business, began reading the Bible and attending the First Methodist Church. He then began to daily commune with Jesus Christ, subsequently taking everything to the Lord in prayer. He began to give God the glory for the solutions to difficult problems and the development of new ideas. In turn, God took Anthony Rossi’s willing heart and developed him into a servant-leader who employed God given talents to benefit others and to be useful for God’s work in the world. His efforts to advance the Gospel through his Aurora Foundation were extraordinary; funding Christian Educational institutions and Christian missions, including the funding of a church in Anthony’s native Sicily and the creation of the Bradenton Missionary Village, a one hundred acre, $10M Florida community for retired missionaries. In a Town and Country Magazine in 1983, he was named one of the top ten most generous living Americans. To please God became the primary objective of Anthony Rossi.
To learn more about the extraordinary life of Anthony Rossi, check out the book Anthony Rossi Christian & Entrepreneur by Sanna Barlow Rossi.
Dear in Christ Jesus,
Hearty greetings.After long times in prayer, the Holy Spirit led me to your website. As I was reading through your website, what touched me most is your purpose to teach and articulate issues from the scriptures, and your Biblical teachings as this is very unique teachings which many in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ are not inclined to.I am touched and moved .This made me to single you out of many and wrote to you for affiliation to carry out the great commission of Jesus Christ together. I have given my life unto the Lord to use me as a vessel to His Holy work. As I walk daily to serve my community, my wife Agnes and I, preached at our home village during the dark days of our village. Many were laughing and scorning to us, however, we prayed for them as we kept on preaching….I meet many challenges especially for the orphans whose parents are dead .It took me time to think of what shall I do about these situation, finally, i talked with my wife and prayed to God to give me direction on what to do. The Lord spoke to me to gather these orphans into one place to and be their care giver, thank God for guiding me through various challenges to have these 37 orphans under my care.
I am kindly hereby requesting you to consider these orphans,and also request for affiliation so that your ministry can partner with us as we are in agreement with your statement of faith and have a branch in Kenya.
To show love of God and support the orphans in fulfillment to Mathew 25, where Jesus taught that whatever we do for the marginalized and poor, we do for Him, and also Jeremiah 29:11-12.
To winning Souls to Christ, Make our community better for God`s people to live in and show mercy and kindness to less privileged in the community.
Many believe – and I believe – that I have been designated for this work by God. I work out of love for God and I put all my hope in him, as in James 1:27: Religion that is pure and undefined before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep one unstained from the world.
I kindly invite you to come to Kenya any time you may find convenient to you and come and share with us and plant a branch church here in fulfillment to Mathew 28:19-20.
Thank you, I hope to see a reply from you.God has already blessed you,
Dear all!
Wow !
How encouraging is his story. To become an entreprenour in Health and management is my ambition. I am a physiotherapist from India with a PGDip in Business management from London. Well,I do have great plans and dreams for my future but waiting up on the Lord as my prayer is always not mine but His will shall come to pass in my life!
Business is good to make a gross turn over and I wish to support my ministry and many other Pastors and ministers in India who are suffering. As I experienced the life of a pastors daughter would not stop me to get married to a humble servant of God! There are so many ministries in India having rich leaders with poor and very poor pastors or ministry workers. I want to make a change in my society by providng good education and career guidence to christians and specially to family of Pastors in India.
I believe God has great plans and he will do the best for his children
Reading his story urged me to share my thoughts.
Thank you for reading!
Abigail Manuel
For many years I was a loyal Tropicana customer. They were extremely selective about what fruit went into their juice, and it was, unquestionably, the best on the market. Then they were bought out and became a marketing company, instead of producer of the world’s best orange juice. Too bad. Now it hardly matters. Keep up the good work Pepsico. Maybe you can continue to hold market share on the name alone, but it will, one day, wear out. I suppose that you will then sell it down the river.
Hi, My name is Beverly Santiago. I was born in Puerto Rico and moved to USA when I was around 7 years old. I graduated this year in 2014, and been thinking about my future a lot. I am really wanting to open up a business and become someone like Him. It is inspiring to hear other’s people’s stories in their success and I will love to be in their shoes one day. I honestly am wanting start a business pretty soon. I have taken Nursing classes, and can be CNA right now, but I saw that wasn’t what God wanted. I then am starting to take Business classes, and I am craving sooooo much to open one up. I just wish I can find someone that could help me financially and guide me through. I have been praying very hard to do so. I have sooooo many ideas on what I will love to do, that it is soooo crammed in my head. If anyone can be there to actually help me out and walk me through the business world I will love that. I am wanting to open a café or a coffee shop. I love coffee. 🙂 God bless you all 🙂
You sound like a great person for all that you do, I’m no sure if you are related to my relatives by the same name, but I would not mind to help you out during the summers if I still have no job, in teaching English and even can manage a low level spanish and any level italian if you like. LOL anything for another person who came from the same island as myself. Best regards,
Patricia Pira
I just wanted to say that I find this VERY encouraging as I have always struggled to see the possibility of blending business and ones faith. Having a strong faith in Christ that one does not go astray from ones first love.
I am a new business women and with Gods help will be success but always remain humble :). Thank you for you encouragement!
Hello after starting a successful mission teaching english to people in our community for the last 8 years and working a fulltime job, I have begun to grow weary. The groundwork has been laid and seeds planted the computer lab has been updated multi lingual dvds and materails in place to share the Gospel. This is an excellent way to build realtionships with non beleivers and other faiths. Trouble is our small team is growing weary after 8 years of work. Would like to hire a teacher but our budget does not have $$ to support a teacher. The vision God has laid on my heart is to purchase a 4 plex or something simlair rent out three and use the $$$ to helpto support a missionary and let them live in that 4th apt free. I barely graduated from High School work a fulltime job have a family to spend time with and do not have the expertise to write grants.. Would there be a chance that 1 of these Giants of Faith would be willing to help us? We recently have added Spainsh classes a retired dentist /missionary from Argentina who we met through English classes needed to generate some income so we asked him to teach the Spainsh classes we charge $20.00 a month for Spainsh. Classes , English classes are offered at no charge. Thanks for letting us share our story